Welcome to St Edward's
St Edward's College offers an inspiring and challenging Catholic education to over 1150 children from across the City and further afield. An explicitly Catholic culture prioritises serving God through serving one another in community, demonstrating commitment, caring for others and striving for success.
These values are drawn from our rich history and patrimony, the vision of Blessed Edmund Rice, founder of the Congregation of Christian Brothers and Father James Nugent who, in 1853, established what was later to become St Edward's College.
Our Sixth Form
The most exciting phase of secondary education is the Sixth Form. Here young people make a journey from dependence to independence, are most able to discover and develop their own particular interests, passions and personality. It is the time when, as the senior students, they take a leading role within the school community, and as fellow adults enjoy a more mature relationship with their teachers and with one another.
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Our students have said about us...
- Through my whole journey at St Edward's I have been involved in both music and sporting activities, which have helped me create some of my fondest memories. From playing hockey tournaments on our astro-turf, to singing in Barcelona with our choir, each teacher in our school aims to nurture the talents of each and every student to help them become the best version of themselves. - Emmy-Lou H
- What I like about St Edward's is that I always know that there is someone that I can talk to, whether they are teachers or friends. The teachers are compassionate and always there for pupils. There are lots of opportunities to get involved such as extra-curricular activities or career opportunities. - Matilda B
- In St Edward's there is an array of opportunities that I have a chance to participate in. I am proud to represent the college in activities such as rugby, swimming, running, water-polo and orchestra. Not only does it help me improve my skills but it also allows me to engage with other pupils and have fun. - Dominic M
- I have been lucky to be involved in all sorts of extra-curricular activities and events. From DofE to being part of the technical team for concerts. I have met so many great people and have been given so much support from all the staff. It has deepened my passion for water sports in galas and competitions. My time in the college has had such a great influence on me as I continue to grow and become the role model that I want to be, not only for others, but to myself. - Niall K
“Trusting in God's help I hope to be able to educate these young people to be good Catholics and good citizens.”
Blessed Edmund Rice
Personal Development
Design Technology
Religious Education
Physical Education
St Edward's in Numbers
Attendance National Avg. (90.7%)
sixth formers heading to degree level study
5+ in English & Maths GCSE National Avg. (45%)
4+ in English & Maths GCSE National Avg. (75%)
Attainment 8National Avg. (46.5)