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St Edward's College

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We aim to promote a thirst for learning, habits of study, strong attainment and progress. We seek to provide a broad and challenging education and a stimulating environment in which individuals are encouraged to fulfil their own potential, value the talents of others and live life to the full.

Curriculum-(Year-7-11) (ID 1042)









KEY STAGE 3 (YEARS 7, 8 & 9)

A curriculum which introduces pupils in steps to the variety of academic disciplines and helps them to develop the core skills and foundational knowledge to build toward success at the end of Year 9 and lay strong foundations for GCSE; each year becomes more demanding in both skill and understanding, and in the amount of initiative a pupil is expected to undertake. Careers pathways are introduced.


Emerging confidence in academic study, engaged in the core curriculum (in most cases, conforming to the English Baccalaureate) plus option choices which together offer a pathway to a strong set of GCSE outcomes in terms of attainment and progress. A developing awareness of careers pathways and independent advice on these and next steps beyond GCSE. Moving from dependence to co-dependence in order to show a high level of self-management in preparing for and succeeding in GCSE courses. Year 11 mentoring Year 10s.

Please download and read our Key Stage 3 and 4 Curriculum Policies to understand our curriculum approach.

Department for Education performance data

Please visit the Department for Education website to see the school's performance data.

DfE School Performance Website