Volunteer experience can set you apart from other applicants for job and univeristy applications. Your volunteer experience shows that you are ambitious, that you care about your community, and that you are willing to work to affect change. These are great qualities that recruiters and admissions officers look for in a potential student or employee.
Please click on the following links to be inspired:
- www.do-it.org.uk/ - Volunteering made easy
- www.seftoncvs.co.uk - Local volunteering opportunities
- www.vinspired.com - Voluntary opportunities for 14 – 25 year olds
- www.volunteerenquiries@aintree.nhs.uk - Aintree Hospital Trust volunteer service, ideal for any person who wants to apply for a medical/science-based degree/job
- www.volunteering.org.uk -Volunteer management
- www.ncsyes.co.uk - National Citizenship Service programme – take on new challenges, learn new skills and help out your community