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College Open Evening

Tonight we hosted our annual College Open Evening, welcoming prospective parents and pupils. Year 7s acted as tour guides and helped parents explore the various departments and engaged with our enthusiastic staff and students.


In the College Hall, Mr Morris and the new Headmaster, Mr Lee Fabia, talked to parents about the values of an Edwardian and Mr Fabia’s vision for the school in the upcoming years. Head Boy and Head Girl also spoke to parents about their St Edward’s journey, how they are proud to be in a school full of history and unique programmes and opportunities for pupils in the College.


Thank you to the teaching staff, estates team and pupils who helped out last night to make this evening a success!


Special thanks to the Music Department, choristers and musicians who performed all night. As I always mention, they are the crown jewel of the school.


We look forward to welcoming the incoming Year 7 pupils in the Transition Day!